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Publishing with Frontpage 2003 without Server Extensions

Your website will still work without FrontPage Server Extensions, and you can continue to use and manage your site using FrontPage. However, some features of your website will not work, such as contact forms.

Publishing your FrontPage website using FTP is simple and can be completed within the site builder application. To publish your website follow these four quick steps:

  1. Launch FrontPage
  2. From the “File” menu, select “Publish Site”
  3. Complete the Following Fields, and then click “OK”
    1. Select “FTP”
    2. “Remote Web Site Location” – Enter your domain name or server hostname after the ftp://
    3. FTP Directory – Type “/public_html” to publish to your primary hostings account.
    4. Select “Use Passive FTP”
  4. In the “Publish all changed pages” section, select “Local to Remote” and then click “Publish Website”


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